It is now widely known and recommended to stay fit throughout your pregnancy. We will work with you at every stage of your nine month pregnancy to make sure you are exercising and eating in the most optimal way for you and your baby.
Exercising and eating healthily at this time will provide benefits for the mother-to-be and the baby.
Training During Pregnancy:
During Labour and Delivery. Fit women experience:
Your pre-natal programme will begin once you have received sign-off from your GP and the intensity level will depend on a number of factors; how fit you were before your pregnancy, how hectic your lifestyle is and your medical history.
Nine months of dramatic physical changes can leave your body feeling overweight, tired and out-of-shape. Most new mums are eager to regain the figure they had before they were pregnant, or even improve on it.
There is no doubt that personal training with our specialist post-natal personal trainer Sandra Mallon, is by far the quickest, safest and most effective method of burning fat and regaining your pre-pregnancy body shape.
We create effective exercise programs that will correctly address your unique physical needs as a postnatal mum helping you to get strong, lean and energised whilst keeping you motivated and monitored every step of the way. Contact us today to let us know of your unique circumstances.
The benefits of postnatal exercise
Fit moms give birth to leaner, stronger, healthier, and even smarter babies, who may even have better motor-functioning, cardiovascular capacity, with a greatly reduced risk for developing obesity, diabetes, and other related health challenges as adults.
Fit, active women demonstrate healthy self-care values and are positive role-models for their children to emulate.
Weight training can help to increase bone density and muscle strength in people of any age, but in over-50s it is particularly important, as it reduces the effects of aging.
If you are over the age of 50, weight lifting is one of the most important forms of exercise you can do to stay firm and fit. Weight lifting builds muscle, makes you stronger, and revs-up your metabolism.
Weight training also increases the body's store of proteins and metabolites, which help to stabilize the immune system.
Over 50's who weight-train have higher numbers of proteins and metabolites, which can help to improve recovery after major traumas, such as surgery. Including certain exercises for the upper back, core and hips can also improve posture, which tends to deteriorate as you get older.
The more you help your body, the more you help your mind!
Physical activity
Physical activity increases the flow of oxygen to your brain. It also increases the amount of endorphins, the “feel-good” chemicals, in your brain. For this reason, it’s not surprising that people who are in good physical shape also tend to enjoy a higher level of mental agility.
Engaging in a vigorous physical workout can help you battle depression and gain a more positive outlook on life. It’s also a great way to beat stress, which can harm you mentally and physically.
Mental Exercises
Mental exercise is just as beneficial. According to a study, certain memory training exercises can increase “fluid intelligence,” the ability to reason and solve new problems.
While exercise is good for the brain and the body, so is meditation. Meditation, in conjunction with other methods, is an alternative way to treat depression. Calming the mind allows you to problem solve in a more relaxed way.
Helping women feel strong ,confident, and pain-free through movement. Ready to start your journey?